Prayer Request & Resources

36 submissions
# Starred Locked Notes Created User IP address Prayer Request Response to your request First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number (security question) What color is the sky? Operations
9471 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9471 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9471 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9471 Fri, 07/26/2024 - 1:41am Anonymous Please pray if my ex is making love to someone else that God not let it hurt me and remove the deep sorrow, resentment and jealousy I feel, and help me to let go of the dream and the hope of a beautiful love story with him. And please pray if my ex is not loving someone else that God bring him back to me loving me deeply. But please pray if my ex is loving on someone else, that God bring me a good man who wants me so very much , and who I want even more than my ex, and who makes me so grateful my ex rejected me, and God bless us with a beautiful love story, better than I could have ever imagined. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9470 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9470 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9470 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9470 Thu, 07/25/2024 - 8:30am Anonymous Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Skin. Amen
Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Brain. Amen
Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Heart. Amen
Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Kidneys. Amen
Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Liver. Amen
Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Pancreas. Amen
Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Stomach. Amen
Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Small intestine. Amen
Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Large intestine. Amen
Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Lungs. Amen
Dear God, please be my coach regarding Ahimsa for my Spleen. Amen
No response necessary, just prayers Wouter Verhagen 5555555555 blue
9469 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9469 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9469 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9469 Wed, 07/24/2024 - 7:34am Anonymous Dear God, I pray for love for everybody. Amen No response necessary, just prayers Wouter Verhagen blue
9468 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9468 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9468 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9468 Tue, 07/23/2024 - 11:58am Anonymous Please pray God will send an angel to give me my exes heart and truelove. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9467 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9467 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9467 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9467 Sat, 07/20/2024 - 8:42pm Anonymous Please pray my ex will miss me so very badly and reach out to me and ask me to stay with him. Please pray God give me a spirit of forgiveness and bless us with the love we prayed for. Please pray God help us. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9466 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9466 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9466 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9466 Wed, 07/17/2024 - 5:04pm Anonymous Please pray God protect me and my son financially, and with online banking, and personally, and protect our limited resources. Please pray God give us wisdom and discernment on what to do in financial situations and help my son protect me, and me protect him too, and provide for us and that we will not be stolen from, or want ,and that our needs be met. Please also pray my brothers house will sell. Please pray God give us His perfect peace and show us that His timing is right. Please pray God protect my brothers assets too. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9465 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9465 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9465 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9465 Mon, 07/15/2024 - 11:16am Anonymous Please pray God strongly lay it in my exes heart, to want me to feel very safe with him and deeply loved by him, and that God show him how to do that, and that he do that for me and for God. Please pray God help me forgive my ex for hurting me so deeply. Please pray he will ask me to forgive him, and he be committed to making things right with me, and that with Gods help and mine, it not feel like a chore to him, but that my love be and feel most special to him. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9464 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9464 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9464 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9464 Sun, 07/14/2024 - 3:14am Anonymous Please pray God give me a very clear sign that my ex still loves me. Please pray with Gods help, he will lose all interest in all other females and that he will ask me to be his love again and recommit to me and God bless us. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9463 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9463 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9463 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9463 Fri, 07/12/2024 - 7:16am Anonymous Dear God, I pray for Your blessing, in the sense that, well You see Sir, there were once these mice who fell into a bucket of cream, and they were trying to crawl out. So they tried to crawl out and they tried to crawl out and they tried to crawl out, and they wouldn't quit, until eventually, the cream churned into butter, and they were able to crawl out. I pray for your blessing for everybody who (like me) is honest, that they may learn to get their Asteya right as much as possible. Amen No response necessary, just prayers Wouter Verhagen blue
9462 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9462 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9462 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9462 Thu, 07/11/2024 - 3:50pm Anonymous I am disabled and my ex has rejected me and I would like to request prayer that he come back to me and love me deeply and be happiest with me. Please pray if this is not possible, that God remove my suffering and gently take me home to heaven in my sleep tonight. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9461 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9461 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9461 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9461 Thu, 07/11/2024 - 12:04pm mstemmerman Please pray for Bobby and Bessie Matthews and family as they experience health issues.

Please pray for Bill and Linda Gentry and family. Bill has experienced a stroke and brain bleed and is in a coma right now.

Please pray for my sister Rachel. She is having pain and they have scheduled a colonoscopy on July 31. Pray for her complete health and wholeness.
No response necessary, just prayers Linda Wanamaker blue
9460 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9460 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9460 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9460 Tue, 07/09/2024 - 8:39am Anonymous First I want to say thank you for all the prayers. We are so thankful knowing that we have the support of the unity prayers. We know they are working. We are seeing the results and are so grateful. We heard yesterday that the foster child we have been praying and fighting for the last 3 years, is finally coming home on the 26th. We are going to need prayers now for them to get into a supportive High School and find the best therapist for them.

We also most recently are asking for prayers for our family too. Two weeks ago we lost our brother in law in a fatal motorcycle accident. He has left behind Michelle’s sister and two beautiful girls. Again we want you to know that your prayers are working in gods time and we are very thankful.
No response necessary, just prayers Amy Cervantez 8285771638 BLUE
9459 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9459 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9459 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9459 Tue, 07/09/2024 - 12:54am Anonymous Please pray God bring me the most amazing friend and companion with whom to share my life and that we love to do the same things and spend quality time together. Please pray we have very compatible temperaments and habits. I still love my ex. Please also pray God help me and either remove my ex from my heart, or give us both the Holy Spirit now and tomorrow, and open a new chapter for us, and have my ex reach out to me, and we love each other faithfully and deeply this time. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9458 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9458 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9458 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9458 Sun, 07/07/2024 - 3:32pm Anonymous I realize that the main reason my health is in such demise is that no one gives a flying flip about me, and anything that is done for me is out of obligation. Please pray God bring me the most amazing friend and companion with whom to share my life and that we love to do the same things and go to the same places together and that we love to spend quality time together.
Thank you for caring enough for me to take the time to pray for me. May God richly bless you! Ty
No response necessary, just prayers blue
9457 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9457 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9457 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9457 Sat, 07/06/2024 - 10:19pm Anonymous Please pray God will show me if my ex still loves me.Please pray if he still does that God will strengthen my love for my ex and that he will reach out to me. Please pray if he does not that God protect my heart and remove my love and desire for my ex and bring me someone amazing to love and to be my companion. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9456 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9456 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9456 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9456 Fri, 07/05/2024 - 1:26pm Anonymous I would like to request prayer to be wanted by my ex and that he reach out to me and ask me if we can be together again. Please pray he have a paradigm shift and realize what a gem I am and that God put him in situations to help him realize this, and he hang onto me this time. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9455 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9455 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9455 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9455 Wed, 07/03/2024 - 2:21am Anonymous Ever since my ex let me go, our friends have embraced him and I am broken. I am very ill and would like to request prayer to get well and strong, and for God to restore me to my ex and to our friends; or that God guide me to a new place where I can start over, and God protect me and bless me. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9454 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9454 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9454 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9454 Sat, 06/29/2024 - 9:34pm Anonymous I keep getting rejected by men and it hurts and I am sad. Please pray God bring me someone amazing and faithful and I love to be with him and he loves with me and pray we feel safe and comfortable with each other. Please pray we share a good mutual attraction, the same hobby and love quality time together. Please pray God remove my hurt and sadness and this pain of rejection, and comfort me. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9453 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9453 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9453 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9453 Thu, 06/27/2024 - 10:27pm Anonymous Please pray if my ex husband would like to move with me, to a new place with me, that he will reach out to me and get the tickets and help us make arrangements. He is looking for life advice. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue
9452 Star/flag Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9452 Lock Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9452 Add notes to Prayer Request & Resources: Submission #9452 Wed, 06/26/2024 - 1:58am Anonymous .Please pray God bring my ex back to me, loving me deeply and wanting me back. Please pray this miracle for me. Please pray God help him and give him the courage to contact me. Ty No response necessary, just prayers blue