2024 - A Year of Influence

July - Practice the Art of Pausing

We invite you to “Practice the Art of Pausing” in July. This simple yet powerful practice can transform our conversations and
interactions, deepen self-awareness, enrich our well-being and foster greater resourcefulness. Pause. Breath. Collect yourself. Resume.

July is the month to practice pausing to reflect, change directions .

June - Joyful Spirit Initiative
Join us for a month-long practice dedicated to embracing joy and creating joyful experiences.  Let's explore the presence of joy in our daily lives, take time to cultivate joy-filled moments and experiences, and spread the upliftment it brings.
experience Joy

May - Make it Better, Make it Beautiful
This month, we'll focus on different ways to enhance our lives, the lives of others, and the world around us.   

Month of May to Make it better or beautiful

APRIL - No Complaints
Wrist bracelets available in the Lobby

No Complaints during April

MARCH - 7 Minutes of meditation or prayer and 7 daily gratitudes

 March 21 day challenge

Prayers to ponder

FEBRUARY - Blessing Bags
"I Care Kit"
Fill a bag of any size with essential and/or thoughtful items. Include a note or a blessing.

February 21 day challenge

JANUARY - Make a Difference
Every day for the next 21 days, let someone know that they make a difference. Through acknowledging the impact of others, we illuminate the energy of appreciation and magnify the power of positive influence. Just imagine the ripple effect!

January 21 day challenge