Peace Prayer Wall
The Peace Prayer Wall is an interfaith, sacred space for quiet reflection, prayer, and communion; embodying the shared spiritual essence that enlivens and connects us all.

The prayer wall is not just stone; it is made of hope, goodwill, and our stories. It is a sacred space and spiritual touchstone. Built with local stones, it also holds pieces from faraway lands, gifted by kindred spirits from deserts, oceans, and even historic fragments of the Berlin Wall. It stands as a living testament to unity, connection across boundaries, and the power of Love.
Visitors are invited to:
- Express prayers
- Share gratitude
- Seek guidance
- Align with their true nature and divine potential
- Sit, release, remember and feel the natural energy of spiritual communion and infinite connection.
This space serves as a tangible reminder of the sacred invitation: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.”
Unity Co-Founder, Myrtle Fillmore invited us to experience prayer as “Acknowledging our oneness with God, claiming the ability that this gives us, and expecting to have the things needed and conducive to spiritual progress.”
Perhaps, when it comes to prayer, Nike says it best, “Just do it”.
The Prayer Wall is a work in progress and will soon have a stone landing, prayer request box, and other features. The Prayer Wall was designed and built by Jill Haynie.

We’d love for you to consider contributing to our Pathway of Peace fund.